Computability Theory and Applications
Waterloo, Canada - June 4-8, 2018
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Slides of talks
Tejas Bhojraj:
Quantum Solovay randomness
Douglas Cenzer:
Generically Computable Structures
Damir Dzhafarov:
The Lovasz local lemma and restrictions of Hindman's theorem
Jun Le Goh:
Some reductions between theorems around ATR
Valentina Harizanov:
Automorphism groups of substructure lattices
Denis Hirschfeldt:
Dense Computability, Upper Cones, and Minimal Pairs
Turbo Ho:
Scott Sentences of Finitely-Generated Groups
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen:
Permutations of the integers do not induce nontrivial automorphisms of the Turing degrees
Julia Knight:
Completions of PA and omega-models of KP
Steffen Lempp:
Computable linear orders and products
Oscar Levin:
Measuring Complexity of Maximal Matchings of Graphs
Elvira Mayordomo:
A point-to-set principle for separable metric spaces
Joe Miller:
Subclasses of the enumeration degrees arising from effective mathematics
Keng Meng Ng:
Effective properties of domination and the bounded jump
Jan Reimann:
Kolmogorov Complexity and Diophantine Approximation
Jonny Stephenson:
Computable Structures and Isomorphisms
Jeff Zucker:
Computing on Streams; Analog and Digital Models
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